Perfect storm intensive

Perfect storm intensive

Perfect Storm Intensive Programs

Our 2-Week Neurological Restoration Intensive Program is designed specifically for pediatric patients struggling with “Perfect Storm” challenges related to prenatal distress, birth intervention and trauma, traumatic brain injuries, and chronic digestive or immune challenges.

If your child has been diagnosed (or you suspect) with chronic neurological conditions such as epilepsy, autism, apraxia, cerebral palsy, ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, POTS, PANS, dysautonomia, asthma, allergies, chronic constipation, or any other chronic health challenge and you simply are NOT seeing the results you want with the traditional medical approach, our Intensive Program is for you.

Tackling Tough Cases (How It Works)

The team of neurologically focused Pediatric Chiropractors and hope dealing Care Advocates at FWCC are here to offer hope, help and answers. 

We combine our passion for kids with our combined decades-long experience, and work to get results with even the toughest of neurological cases by taking a vastly different approach than other providers.

First, we simplify things.

The #1 challenge facing most families looking to help their children heal is that they are simply overwhelmed. Each doctor, therapist, and provider have their own unique specialty, and parents find themselves going from one to another multiple times per week. We work with the one major system that controls and regulates every other system of the body — the central and autonomic nervous system.

By focusing each and every adjustment on rebalancing and restoring function to the “Air Traffic Control” system, we immediately start to see changes in core pediatric health and brain development functions such as — sleep, digestion , immune function, and motor (movement) tone and function.

Especially during the first week of the Intensive Program, we work to get the “basics” of neurological health back online. These core health elements such as sleep, digestion, and movement have often been entirely overlooked by both traditional medical doctors and other functional or holistic doctors as well.

You can’t heal the gut, improve the immune system, or get motor tone and coordination back online if you don’t first work on the central and autonomic nervous system!

Once we see these “basic” neurological functions get back online, we can then get to work on “advanced” functions such as sensory processing, emotional regulation, social development, speech, and cognition.

Insight Neurological Scans

While many children in the Perfect Storm category have had a medical neurological exam, traditionally those only look for obvious pathology and diagnosis – they do not actually measure and determine true neurological function, autonomic and vagal tone, or the real key to pediatric brain development – neuromuscular tone, symmetry, and pattern. 

These scans are the foundational element of our Perfect Storm Care Program, allowing us to fully customize and personalize the adjustments for your child, as well as continuously track and monitor change and improvement as care progresses! 

At their Report of Findings parents frequently state, “These scans perfectly depict what’s going on with my child!

Learn more about these scans

Specific, NeuroTonal Adjustments 2x Per Day

Each adjustment is designed to find and release the built up tension and stress stuck in the sympathetic nervous system, and stimulate and activate the vagus nerve and parasympathetic nervous system… activating the “growth and development” mode of the autonomic system, and seeking to ultimately restore balance.

We refer to this as NeuroTonal Adjusting because the tone of the neuromuscular and motor system is crucial to a child’s health in all areas, neurological, immune, respiratory, gut health, and more.

We work with a “Less is More” approach at all times, where the adjustments can be made in a gentle and easy way, paired with a more frequent adjusting schedule of 2x per day consistently for 2 straight weeks. Each adjustment builds upon the last and sets up the success of the next.

The expertise of our Perfect Storm Doctor Team is really in the “sequencing and pairing” of the adjustments, which sets this approach apart from general pediatric chiropractic care! The Insight Scans are an important element of being able set up that sequence and order of adjusting, and are performed several times during the two week program.

Call 361-994-0052 for any questions and more specifics regarding pricing and scheduling your child for this special perfect storm intensive program. 

Parent Education Reading

Check out our list of the must-read articles below:

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